Monday, July 9, 2007

Leap of Faith-Lambeau

Lambeau Field was constructed in 1957. They have never allowed a religious event to be held there in the fifty year history of this famous football stadium in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Sharon and I were a part of the team that conducted the very first faith-based event called "Leap of Faith-Lambeau." We, along with twenty-five other members of Cottage Hill Baptist Church, were missionaries on this incredible event held 7-7-2007. The theme of our event was repentance and the call was for Americans to get back to honoring God in their words, actions, and deeds.

My mentor, Dr. Kerry L. Skinner, was the keynote speaker. Repentance is his life message and if you were to invite him to speak to a group, the message would be just a Jesus’ first message, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Matthew 4:17. In fact, his doctorate was entitled “The Joy of Repentance.” It is an awesome book that can be purchased at I also recommend you get the workbook he coauthored with Dr. Henry Brandt called “The Heart of the Problem.”

One does not have to go far to see the need for repentance. Does Hardees’s really need a woman in a “oh my gosh, hide the kids” sexual TV commercial scene to sell a hamburger? Does Hollywood have any limits to how far the envelope is pushed? Does a man in the most powerful position in the world have to stand up and lie by saying, “I did not have sex with that woman?” Does his wife not divorce him because God helped her forgive him or it would hurt her own political ambitions? How far can we slide down this slippery slope until we cannot turn back?

Over 10,000 people attended the event at Lambeau Field. We made some observations. There is a giant “G” on top of the stadium and scoreboard. Why not a “GB” We believe the “G” stands for God, not Green Bay. Andy Lapins, a young evangelist with Transfired Ministries out of Redford, Michigan gave the Gospel invitation and over 750 people invited Christ to be their personal Savior and Lord. Rodney Mills, his wife and other musical talent from Mobile, Alabama led the inspired music. Although it was a hot day, the sun did not drive anyone away.

We may never know exactly the effects of this event. I had the job of capturing the event with digital photographs. Here are some expressions of people worshipping a God that is truly worthy.

Leap of Faith-Lambeau 1 - Praise God!

Leap of Faith-Lambeau 2 - The Joy of Repentance

Leap of Faith-Lambeau 3 - Best Scoreboard Ever

Leap of Faith-Lambeau 4 - Best Music!

Sharon with few team members from Cottage Hill and "KGB" Muhammed-Kabeer Olarewaju Gbaja-Biamila. He is a former follower of Islam who discover the truth (John 14:6) and now is as solid of a Christian as you will ever meet.

Sitting in a box high above the stadium with Kerry and Elaine Skinner before the event began. They are truly our best friends in Christ!

Sharon never misses an opportunity to shop. This time for a "cheesehead" for her brother Greg.

Asking for forgiveness of sins is common, but repentance is rare. Kerry taught a simple five-step process for repentance:

Step 1 - I confess, "I am wrong. I have sinned."

Step 2 - I say to God, "I am sorry. I have sinned."

Step 3 - I ask, "God, forgive me of my sins."

Step 4 - I ask, "God cleanse me of my sins."

Step 5 - I ask, "God, empower me."

Of course, you may always call on Sharon and me to help you through this process. The first time is like cleaning a house that has dirty dishes everywhere and clothes lying all over the floor, etc. The next time (which will be tomorrow), you may dirty a dish or two and it is much easier to clean your house this time. Remember, it is not a hard job for God to clean your house. If you are worrying if this is too small for God, then ask yourself, "Is anything big to God?"

Please pray that repentance will spread as a result of Leap of Faith-Lambeau!

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